The rulers used turquoise to show their monopoly of theocracy, power, and wealth. In the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the turquoise rituals and bronzes were regarded as the symbol of the national royal power. Emperor Qin Shihuang called it 玺, the emperor and the empress used jade, and the princes and ministers used gold, silver and copper respectively according to the ranks of the official ranks. It has been used for generations until the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Turquoise and the royal family's powers and the destiny of the country have far-reaching roots. It is the well-deserved "Emperor Stone". The more Wang Goujian and Wu Wangfu's swords are decorated with turquoise, which shows the orientation of turquoise in the minds of ancient kings. In the Qing Dynasty, the rules of royal clothing and accessories reached the peak. The turquoise was liked by the Qing Dynasty because of its "hue like the sky". It was called "the jewel of heaven" and played an important role in the palace. According to the "History of the Qing Dynasty" In the seventy-eighth 舆 service, it is recorded:
In 1637, the Qing Dynasty did not enter the customs rules:
Town Guogong "Chaoguan": decorated with turquoise one.
Fu Guogong "Chaoguan": embedded turquoise.
The county’s main amount is “toward the beltâ€: embedded in turquoise four.
In the baron of the public Hou Bozi:
Duke's "Chaozhu": Coral Qingjin Turquoise Honey Popper is used.
The public "crown top": embedded in turquoise four. In the second year of Shunzhi, it was also decided to use the gold-encrusted round jade version of the "toward belt", each with a turquoise one.
Hou "Chaoguan": the top of the flower gold seat, the middle decoration of the East Pearl three on the ruby, "toward the belt" é•‚ gold title jade round version four, each decorated with turquoise one.
Male "toward the belt": each embedded in turquoise.
Mrs. Gong: Zhaozhu, taking three, taking one. Corals, green gold, turquoise, and honey are used.
The "jewelry" of one to seven women is embedded in pearls, gems and turquoise.
The Queen Mother and Queen's winter crown is smoked, embellished with Zhu Wei, top three layers, decorated with pearls, golden phoenix, gemstones, coral and other ornaments, with a collar behind the crown, a yellow belt; the summer crown is blue velvet.
The Queen Mother and Queen's Golden Covenant (a jewelry made of gold), adorned with lapis lazuli, turquoise, pearls, corals, etc. as hanging objects. The Queen Mother and the Queen's earrings are three-and-a-half, with the first-class bead of the Golden Dragon; the earrings of the Emperor and the Emperor, and the three ears of the ear in the palace, wearing three earrings. The emperor of the Empress Dowager, the Empress, and the Emperor of the Emperor, used the stone-green color of the golden edge, and used Lilong, Zhenglong and Wanfu Wanshou as embroidered pictures. The back of the collar is adorned with yellow enamel, decorated with jewels; there are also embroidered articles with Zhenglong, Xinglong, Lilong and Babao Pingshui. The empress of the Empress Dowager and the Queen, Emperor and Emperor, used bright yellow, shawl and sleeves.
Multifunctional sports watch is a watch style specially worn in sports. Compared with ordinary watches, it has better waterproof, shockproof and drop-proof features, as well as practical functions such as air pressure prediction, altitude, heart rhythm, and compass. Therefore, it is deeply loved by the majority of friends who love sports.
Sports watches can be divided into three categories according to the types of their motion sensors: pedometer watches, GPS watches, and heart rate watches. Of course, there are many types of non-professional sports watches.
Pedometer sportwatch
The motion sensor of the pedometer watch is a 3D acceleration sensor, which can sense the three-dimensional motion acceleration generated by human movement, such as walking and running, so as to record the number of steps per unit time. Calculate the speed and distance of the human body through the input step length, and calculate the calories burned through the input weight. Its advantage is that it can be used for outdoor and indoor sports, is not affected by the weather and is very power-saving, and can store several days of exercise data.
GPS sportwatch
The GPS watch calculates the distance moved per unit time by receiving the satellite position signal WAYPOINT, and calculates the moving speed. The accuracy of the position signal is determined by the strength of the satellite signal and the sampling rate. For example, the accuracy of a sampling rate of 1 second is obviously higher than that of a sampling rate of 60 seconds. However, a too high sampling rate will cause the battery to drain too quickly. Its advantage is that it can record the trajectory of the movement and synchronize it to the map.
Heart rate sportwatch
The heart rate watch uses the heartbeat current of the human body to measure the heart rate of the human body. The human body has different levels of heart rate at different exercise intensities. Internationally, the percentage of exercise heart rate to the maximum heart rate is divided into light activities: 50-60%, aerobic exercise 60-75%, endurance training 75-85%, intensity Training 85%-100%. Choosing different heart rate zones can achieve different training exercise effects.
Of course, the above three basic functions can also be combined with each other, such as heart rate pedometer, GPS heart rate monitor and other sports watch combinations.
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