The water of the jade stone is the general name for the combination of the head of the jade stone and the head of the jade stone. There is a certain relationship between the species of jade stone and the water head. Generally speaking, if the jade stone is well planted, the jade stone is also good, but the two are not certain relationships. Some jade stone types are not good, but the water head is It can be very good.
The crystals of the fine jade stone are exquisite. Generally, the head of the jade stone is good, but not all kinds of jade stone heads are good. For example, some jade stone is very good, the crystal grain inside the jade stone is very fine, but the jade stone inside. The crystal is not well bonded to the crystal, and the bond between the crystal and the crystal is not tight, which affects the transmission of light, so the light transmittance of the entire jade stone will be worse, and the water head of the jade stone is not good.
For the jade stone of the difference, the mineral crystal grains inside the jade stone are coarse. Generally speaking, the jade stone has poor water head and poor transparency. However, although some kinds of crystal particles are coarse, the crystals inside the jade stone are well combined. The high density is conducive to the transmission of light, so the light of the jade stone is good, and the water head will be good.
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