Will the cashmere shirt be static electricity?


It turned out that the cashmere sweater in the process of wearing will also generate static electricity, but only slightly less than the degree of chemical fiber. Therefore, that pure cashmere sweater should not produce static electricity, in fact, is a misunderstanding, this should start with the characteristics of textile materials.

Textile material is an insulating material with high resistance. During the textile processing or due to friction between fibers and fibers, fibers and other objects when worn, it is likely to cause charge transfer on the surface of the object to generate static electricity. Wool, cashmere, etc.) such as cellulosic fibers (cotton, hemp, viscose, etc.) also have higher electrical resistance. Their charge when rubbing with other materials is 2-40 times higher than that of cotton and other fibers, and thus generates static electricity. Phenomenon. In addition, the static electricity generated by the change of climatic conditions is also different. The dry wool fiber has more resistance than electricity, and it is difficult to eliminate the electrification, the moisture regain is high, the static electricity easily disappears, the moisture regain of the chemical fiber is much lower than the wool fiber, so the chemical fiber The electrostatic phenomena produced by fabrics are much more serious than wool fabrics.

At the same time, if the fibers are arranged neatly and in close contact, the static electricity in the fiber is relatively easy to conduct and disappear in the contact area; conversely, if the fiber arrangement is loose and the contact area is small, the charged charge of the fiber will not be easily transmitted. It is not easy to disappear. It can be seen that the generation of static electricity is related to the moisture regain of the fiber, air humidity, raw material properties, and fiber structure. It is not surprising that the cashmere sweater generates static electricity due to the friction between clothes under dry conditions. , especially when worn in conjunction with purified fabric clothes to create more static electricity.

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