Emerald has always been a noble gem that people like. If you like jade, you should master the common sense of jade. Today, we will have a rough understanding of the difference between the species, the ground and the head of the jade.
The species of jade is a pure concept, that is, the transparency, according to the degree of transparency, can be divided into: glass, ice, alfalfa and bean, glass is the most transparent, and the bean is opaque.
Emerald water is a general concept, including transparency and clarity. Some jadeites are very transparent, but there are many cottons and many impurities. There is no watery feeling, but it is ugly. Water foot means that it is transparent, clean and has less impurities. Ice type, good jade pieces.
In the jargon of the emerald, you can often hear the words emeralds in the mouth of the connoisseur. In fact, the land is the same as the water, and the earth is also a description of the characteristics of jade.
The land is also called the ground, the bottom. The ground is a green-attached texture and a green distribution carrier, which is the basis. The land is a collection of all factors except green, which is the quality characteristic of the combination of species, water (transparency) and clarity, reflecting the structure, transparency and cleanliness of the jade, as well as the hue and The characteristics of the color. The quality of the land is determined by the water, in addition to the number of sputum, asbestos, stone, impurities and other impurities also affect the quality of the land. The naming and pseudo-characteristic features of the ground are more obvious.
The concept of earth and water is often confused in the jadeite appreciation by some newcomers.
The water and the ground describe the characteristics of the jade from different angles. The water is focused on the size and structure of the inner group, and the earth emphasizes the organic combination and external appearance of the characteristics such as water color. The pros and cons of the land are determined by the mutual influence of factors such as the color of the jade, and the difference between the seeds must be poor. It is not necessarily good to plant a good land. Only when the water is good, will there be a good land.
The water, the ground, and the green have built the cornerstones for the analysis of jade, and their combination and expansion have formed all the knowledge about jade.
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