What should I do if my sneakers are worn out? Throw it away directly? Don't worry, sports brand Adidas finds a good home for used sneakers.
With the rise of sports, everyone has a few pairs of sports shoes in the shoe cabinet. It is not difficult to speculate that there are a large number of sports shoes in the world. So how do you deal with these sports shoes? If you can collect these used sneakers and make something useful, it must be a fun and meaningful thing. As a result, Adidas commissioned the Dutch designer Simone Post to make these worn sneakers into carpets.
These used sneakers were first collected by a German company I:CO (specially collecting used clothing shoes from around the world) to make small rubber mats, and then Post made these semi-finished products into Adidas carpets.
In addition to considering the flexibility and strength of the material in the carpet making process, Post also added some sporting elements to the carpet design. According to Post's request, I:CO company divided the rubber mat into black and white. Then Post redesigned the unique stripes of Adidas by blending different color proportions to design a black and white striped carpet.
From a distance, the stripes look black and white only, but when viewed from a close distance, you can see the many colors before the sneakers become carpets.
These striped rugs are an attempt to recycle used sneakers and are an exploration of different material processing methods. The carpet is currently on display at the Adidas store on the Champs Elysées in Paris.
Designer Simone Post is known for recycling carpets and recycling carpets. In addition to the Adidas store, live demonstrations of recycled material carpets can be seen at the MaterialDistrict exhibition in Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands, from March 12th to 14th, 2019.
A men's casual short sleeve shirt is a versatile and comfortable clothing item that can be worn in various casual settings. It typically features a relaxed fit and is made of lightweight and breathable materials such as cotton or linen.
When styling a men's casual short sleeve shirt, it can be paired with jeans, chinos, or shorts for a laid-back look. It can also be layered under a light jacket or worn with a sweater for cooler weather. The choice of footwear, such as sneakers or loafers, can further contribute to the overall casual aesthetic.
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