[This site - shoes and life] on the outdoor road, may be full of large and small gravel, while there is a rugged, steep slope, so usually wear shoes in the gym or the ball place, can not guarantee the feet are not injured At this time, there are high-friction soles, soles, waterproof treatment uppers and wrapping strips, can protect the high density foam of the ankles, heels, and powerful hiking midsole professional climbing shoes, is the outdoor activity of the One choice.
Sneakers fit and comfort are most important; remember to buy a shoe that is slightly larger than usual, because outdoor sports socks are thicker than usual socks, and at the same time you need to wear wicking socks in the inner layer when you climb the mountain, so try on Always wear two layers of socks. Then put the toe to the top, this time the heel needs to leave 1 toe gap; then tie the shoelace, step on the 15 degree bevel stage to test the toe and foot side is comfortable.
Finally put on two more shoes, walk around, and even try to go up and down the stairs, until you are completely comfortable. Normally, new shoes should be worn for at least 1-2 hours a day for 1 week in a row. This will not lead to the painful feeling of “hitting feet†during the first long-distance hiking and hiking. The use of waterproof leather can extend the life of the shoes and enhance the waterproof effect. It is best to maintain one time after each Long March.
Hiking shoes purchase
A thousand miles begins with a single step. Mountaineering shoes are the equipment that ALICE’s outdoor mountaineering is preferred to purchase. It is very important to choose a pair of hiking shoes that are comfortable, high-quality and reasonably priced. However, how to choose a suitable pair of hiking shoes is mainly to suit your own feet and your own climbing route.
Selection key: waterproof effect
In the department store outdoor supplies counter, a variety of climbing shoes are not rare. The types of hiking shoes on the Internet are dazzling.
Water resistance is the primary function of hiking shoes. Many professional backpackers choose to buy hiking shoes is also fancy this feature of climbing shoes, which is unmatched by sports shoes or ordinary travel shoes.
In an interview, the reporter learned that although the materials used by the various brands of climbing shoes vary, but only one purpose - waterproof, but no doubt the tongue is the weakest part of the waterproof, so be sure to carefully check the shoes when buying Whether the design of the tongue is tight enough and waterproof enough.
In the drizzle, a pair of shoes that are wet inside and out is not in the mood outdoors. The most important thing is that in a cold environment, it will speed up the process of losing temperature and cause danger. On the way, it will inevitably encounter a particularly humid environment, when the feet will be a little wet, which requires good hiking shoes must have a large enough opening space, even in a very humid environment is still easy to wear off .
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