In ancient China, silver needles were often used to test whether the food was poisonous. If the silver became black, then the food was poisonous; otherwise, it was not. There are many young people who like to buy and wear silver jewelry. But after a long time, they will find that their silver jewelry has turned black. Will they think that their own body is poisonous and their silver jewelry is blackened? Here is a explanation for everyone's blackening of silver jewelry.
In fact, arsenic was commonly used as a poison in ancient times. However, due to insufficient purification technology at that time, arsenic contained some sulfur. When sulfur and silver reacted chemically, silver would turn black, and silver would turn black into sulfur.
Then, if the silver jewelry we wear becomes black, is it because we have sulfur in our body, and is this a manifestation of physical discomfort? This is a concern of many people. The statement that silver is black and unhealthy is not scientific. The blackening of silver jewelry in our lives is only a normal chemical reaction, but it is not directly related to the health of the body.
The chemical nature of silver is not as stable as platinum and gold, and often tarnishes due to oxidation or blackening or yellowing of water or other chemicals in the air. Therefore, each time after wearing, you can wipe the surface with a soft cotton cloth or paper towel, remove the moisture and stains, and then put it in a sealed bag to avoid oxidation after contact with air.
The best way to maintain silver jewelry is to wear it every day, because the oil produced by the body can make the silver produce a natural and lustrous luster.
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