Research on Object-Oriented Visual Power System Analysis Software for Power Automation Equipment GU Xiaohui\Feng Linqiao\Zhou Ming\Wu Rui2(.College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China; 2Changsha Electric Power Bureau, Changsha, Hunan 410002, China) The abstract class is derived from the real object, and the program structure is constructed by the inherited method. The program structure is more reasonable and easy to develop. Therefore, object-oriented programming is an alternative to overcoming, developing, and updating large power system analysis programs. Visualization technology improves the operator interface. It discusses how to derive abstract classes from programs from power system devices, and introduces a program structure based on object-oriented programming and visual programming, taking into account computational efficiency and ease of use.
1 Design scheme For a long time, a number of perfect and reliable analytical calculation software have been developed in universities and related departments of power systems, but most of these softwares are based on text operation interface, and data input is required according to a certain text format. Output, when the system reaches a certain size, this becomes complicated and error-prone, and the calculation results are not intuitive.
Visual programming has been developed for a long period of time, which makes the use of the program simple and intuitive, which is also the development trend of power system analysis and simulation programs. Object-oriented technology makes program code easy to develop, manage, extend, and port. Therefore, the combination of these two technologies serves as the basis for the development of object-oriented visual power system analysis software.
2 program implementation 2.1 program development means C + f language is an object-oriented programming language, C + + language high speed, making it suitable for programming. Microsoft's Visual C++ unique visual document structure, visual development method to achieve the packaging of the graphical interface and document data, simplifying the programming complexity, so choose VisualC + as a development tool; / / each endpoint drawing coordinates, in other components Defined as CPointmLeftTop; / / graphic upper left doublemR; / / resistance doublemX; / / reactance * mF; / / power line linked to the front pointer CLine * mB; / / power line linked list pointer / / destructor, etc. 2.3 Implementation of each computing class module In order to make better use of object-oriented functions, we first created the sparse matrix class CMatrix. The important function of using C+f in sparse matrix: overloading makes the use of sparse matrix like the general two Dimension arrays are just as simple.
CVector*mVector; // A linked list of vector classes created to store matrix elements.
The third parameter is meaningless, just let the computer distinguish between input, output // inversion and other calculation functions, destructors, and so on.
The use of this sparse matrix is ​​very simple. If a sparse matrix object is defined: CMatrixa assignment only needs a(10,2)=9; the output only needs b=a(10,2,1) to be almost the same as operating a two-dimensional array.
Therefore, the transplantation of the original non-sparse technology based C language trend program is very simple, only the definition of the variable is changed, and the program modification is also small, which can fully reflect the ease of use and powerful functions of C+f. The trend program based on this type can support the calculation of large-scale power grid without slowing down the speed.
Then create a trend class and an optimization method class based on this.
In the trend class, various power flow calculation methods and topology modules are included, and the network structure is determined by the topology: whether it is a distribution network or a transmission network, and then an appropriate algorithm is selected for calculation. At the same time, the general modules of each power flow are independent into the functions of the trend class, such as creating admittance matrix, Jacobian matrix, topology and so on. In the optimization method, two optimization methods are encapsulated, including non-linear programming and genetic algorithms.
24 graphics function implementation Some data is encapsulated in the document class (CDocument). Therefore, in the document class, there is a corresponding linked list for each component class, and the data is manipulated by interacting with the document class. The user adds a component data to the document class by manipulating the graphical interface. Since each component based on the object has its own drawing method and properties: including location information, color, and line shape, the component can send a message notification to the class automatically on the screen. Draw yourself on it. This simplifies the editing of graphics into operations on the linked lists in the document class. When adding a graphic, all you have to do is append an element to the corresponding linked list, and delete a graphic, and delete the corresponding element from the corresponding linked list; move and zoom the graphic as long as the mouse and keyboard are operated, and the mouse action is modified accordingly. The element's meflTop and mDrawSize parameters are redrawed. Edit the attribute page of each element to modify the corresponding electrical and topology parameters.
3 software function and feature method, as a power system auxiliary calculation program, compared with other power system auxiliary calculation software, has the following characteristics: a due to the use of object-oriented programming methods, the program has a good transplant , expansion and reusability, which actually makes the software a complete development platform for power system computing software. If you want to write a power system planning software on this basis, you only need to create a planning class, and the corresponding menu, because you can call the trend class and reactive power optimization class, the calculation program is easy to implement, and in the graphics drawing, just add A global variable of the map scale can display the planned results directly on the display, edit and modify the graphics, and print the final planning results according to the graphics and data.
b. Friendly interface and flexible operation. You can click the mouse to pop up the property page dialog box, input data, check the validity of the data, eliminate the wrong data input, and avoid the inefficiency and error-prone problem of inputting data through text format. Graphic editing is powerful, you can draw the network main wiring diagram, all components can be copied, moved, deleted, stretched and scaled. The network wiring diagram can be printed directly proportionally.
c In order to fully embody the superiority of the visualization program, a line usage indicator class was established, and a circular component similar to a fuel gauge was placed on each power transmission line, and the display of the component can easily know each line. Is it fully loaded?
d In order to prevent misoperation, the graphical interface is divided into edit mode and running state. In the edit state, the editing of the primitive can be performed. In the running state, all components cannot move. The operable components are only circuit breakers, and the user can operate. The circuit breaker is used to calculate whether the line is overloaded in the event of a fault.
4 Conclusion The software has a complete drawing function and a good man-machine interface. The user can complete the drawing and calculation calculation results intuitively on the graph. It is not only suitable for the production department, but also for education, so that students have a better understanding of the system trend, operation and so on. However, the software still needs to be strengthened, such as: a calculation analysis module has fewer functions (such as power system dynamic analysis), which makes the utility decline.
b. The number of components is small, lacking substation equipment, such as knife gates, printing can only output system drawings, and can not directly output engineering drawings in line with national standards.
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