LIVITE Blockout made by coated and laminated process and "0"translucency are stable controlled, all products made according to the specification and stricktly controlled by quality inspection process for technical specifications as well as printability test in laboratory. Every roll are trackable identified by labelling and every 5 rolls LIVITE stores piece of samples for regular print test to trace the printability of the product and verifing the quaity of the product at the guarantee period. LIVITE Blockout banner shows the excellent double side color quality on different print technologies and inks, as well the outdoor applications are customized according to different climate at different regions. All LIVITE blockout are made on none curl technologies.
Pvc Blackout Banner,Pvc Blockout Banner,Digital Printing Blockout Banner,Pvc Blockout Banner Fabrics
LIVITE(wuxi) High Polymer Material Co. LTD ,