[China Glass Net] There is a master for the beauty of the car. After each completion, he will write the guest’s name and date of the day on his business card, and then give the guest: "The next time you come, I will give you eight Discount discount. If your dear friend, take this business card to let me organize his car, I will give him a 10% discount." This is how he once again serves the old customers and adds new customers by the way.
Management experts agree that we should care about the old customers and let him continue to produce the same purchase behavior. Peter F. Drucker believes that only customers who repeat purchases are the real customers of the company; William Edwards Deming also said that the company's profits come from the old patrons to promote for you, for your word of mouth work. .
The cost of getting a new customer into the door to buy something is five times that of an old customer returning to the store to buy again. Many new customers come because of your promotional price, and they will change the place of purchase because of the sales price of others. Moreover, the variety of products purchased by old customers simulates a wide range of new customers, and it is easier for you to achieve profitability goals. It is much easier to make money from the old patrons who buy again than to borrow money from the new customer's pocket. People's behavior is habitual, as long as your performance does not disappoint old customers, he will continue to come back.
Various business activities are working hard on repeated purchases. For example, many restaurants will give customers a point, these points can be exchanged for a free meal or a discount for a dish; or the hair salon and the time you book the next time to book. This is the way to encourage customers to come back.
Old customers in each industry contribute differently to turnover. For the retail industry, 25% to 50% of turnover comes from patrons. If this ratio is too low, the turnover per month will vary greatly and is unstable. As for the service industry, such as hair salons, graphic design companies, etc., the proportion of old customers should be higher.
Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as customer loyalty.
Basically, customer satisfaction directly affects customer loyalty, which in turn affects the company's profitability. According to the study, if the customer's satisfaction comes from the price factor, perhaps his loyalty will be higher; but if the customer's satisfaction comes from the brand, it is difficult to guarantee that he will also have high loyalty.
If we look at consumer behavior further, many people basically believe that the average customer does not have the so-called loyalty. If we continue to provide good service, our old customers will come to the door; in other words, we have to behave as expected by these old customers. If our service level declines to disappoint our patrons, or if our competitors perform better than us, or if our patrons raise our expectations to the point where we can't do it, there is no such thing as loyalty.
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